Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Norfolk Public Schools' Parent University 10/20/2012

Information from:

Again this year, Norfolk Public Schools will host Parent University, a half-day event filled with workshops designed to help parents support their children's education. Mark your calendar for this upcoming Parent University on Saturday, Oct. 20 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Granby High School. The theme is "Learning Without Limits: Occupations, Vocations, Professions and Careers," to support parents and students in continuing their education, helping students graduate from high school on time, committing to lifelong learning and setting career goals.

Dr. Adolph Brown, III, billed as the World's Greatest Edu-tainer, will be the keynote speaker. School Board member Dr. Noelle Gabriel also will speak. Break-out sessions will include presentations from specialists in math, reading, science, social studies, special education and other content areas to help parents learn to assist their children at home. Community partners and representatives from various local colleges and career areas also will be on hand.

The event is free of charge for children and parents, and lunch will be provided. School bus transportation will be provided from designated pick-up locations, however strollers cannot be accommodated on the buses.

Parents are invited to register today. Forms are available in all schools. Check with your school's principal, parent liaison or guidance counselor.

For more information, contact Dr. Dawn Lawrence or Marquita Sykes at 628-3944 or click here to download the App:

To your success !

Your Accelerated Success Advisor

Monday, October 8, 2012

Teens Take Over - Friday, November 16th, 2012

This event might be inspirational if you are a creative-type person. Our Accelerated Success program emphasizes the 4-A's (Attendance, Attitude, Academics, Actions) ! This could be considered an act of "Action" towards improving your awareness ! Enjoy ! All information provided below is from the website of the hosting company.

Teens Take Over - Friday, November 16th, 2012 - FREE event - Hampton Roads teens take over MOCA for an evening extravaganza of art, music, and more. Inspired by MOCA’s current exhibits, the event will feature live music, dance party, collaborative art making and free eats. Teen Take Over is a free event exclusively for students in high school, hosted by teens from the Salem Visual and Performing Arts Academy. http://virginiamoca.org/teen-take-over-1
Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
2200 Parks Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
757.425.0000 (p)

To your success !

Your Accelerated Success Advisor

Friday, October 5, 2012

S.A.T. Practice Question of the day

Hey there !

Did you know that the company that produces the SAT wants you to achieve a high score on their exam ? Did you know that higher S.A.T. scores may lead to greater amounts of money offered to you to pay for college ? Did you know that there are regularly posted SAT practice questions which may help you to make a higher score ? The SAT can be an important step towards college. It was developed in 1926 and was first called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, then the Scholastic Assessment Test, but now SAT does not stand for anything. The test scores a student's readiness for College.

Does a higher SAT score sound interesting to you ? GREAT ! Visit this webpage and try the SAT Practice Question of the Day !

Remember to always work on improving yourself in the 4 As (Attendance, Attitude, Academics, and Actions) and we will be here to offer ACCESS to fund your college dreams ! if you haven't done so, enter your email address in the entry area on the top right of this blog and you will automatically receive a copy of this blog and stay updated in ways that you can prepare yourself for your future !

To your success !

Your Accelerated Success Advisor