Parents Have To Be The Coach Of Their Family Teams! |
This picture will always be etched as a milestone in my life. It was the day our baby Abigail became an Andrews. It was taken a few moments after her adoption ceremony. The addition of Abbey made me the proud father of 4 children. My wife and I were once told that it was medically impossible to have kids so our first three, to the surprise of every doctor we know, were born healthy, strong and beautiful (just like their mother:-) I absolutely LOVE being a father!
This week I start a series of trainings for the Christina School District's Parent University (Located in Delaware) entitled "The Parent As Coach-Strategies For Developing A Family Dream Team." This is the first Parent University in the State of Delaware. As the father of 4 amazing children, I have come to the conclusion that Parents are the coach of the household team and everyone else is an assistant coach. Teachers, pastors, community leader, role models, and everyone else are assistant coaches in the families mission. Parents need to have the winning strategy for the team and identify great assistant coaches to help the family dream team win in the game of life. For instance, I share with people who teach my kids that they are helping us in our mission to excel academically--but it is not their job to teach my children character, that is my job as the head coach of the team. By the time they show up to class, character should already be in tact. Educators can help to reinforce if needed, but as the head coach, I should have a strategy for raising character driven kids and the by-product of this effort should be students that the educators can educate, not spend all day dealing with discipline issues.
There are many components to this parenting philosophy that good Parent Coaches need to make sure are in place. A few include: - Having a family mission.
- Developing purposeful children.
- Creating a culture of high academic expectations.
- Many more!
I am proud to be a part of this innovative trend taking place in the state of Delaware and hope to see more school districts get on board. We re holding our first event tomorrow evening in Wilmington, DE. If you have any question or see the need for this type of training in your school, district or organization, please e-mail me at or call (302) 834-1040. If you live in Northern, DE, the event is free and sponsored by the district. Come out and join us. Thanks! PS-For those of you who are attending the National PTA's Convention, I will be sharing this event as a featured speaker! Here is a press release provided by the district: Christina Announces New Parent University Parent Empowerment Workshop Series begins March 13 The Christina School District is pleased to announce its new Parent University, a series of classes and workshops designed specifically for parents to help them learn new strategies, support their children's learning, and grow as individuals and parents. The first two Parent Empowerment Workshops will beheld on March 13 and 14. Additional opportunities will be available throughout the spring. Please join us! Both events are free and dinner will be provided. "The Parent as Coach-Developing A Family Dream Team" presented by Darrell "Coach D" Andrews, CSP Wednesday, March 13, 6:00-7:30 pm Bayard Middle School Parent Resource Center 200 S. DuPont Street, Wilmington, DE 19805 Dinner will be provided "Locked Out But Not Locked Down" - Feeling Overwhelmed but not giving up, presented by Dr. Patricia Spradley Thursday, March 14, 6:00-7:30 pm Gauger-Cobbs Middle School Professional Development Room 50 Gender Road, Newark, DE 19713 Dinner will be provided
 Darrell "Coach D" Andrews, CSP
Transforming schools and non-profit organizations worldwide through passion and purpose |
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